Starting Out

After many years writing, and as many rewriting, I am at last ready to proudly present plane take off 1911 Strange Metamorphosis to the naked world. It is a fantasy novel set at the turn of a new century. It hinges on the characters at a pivotal point in their lives. Like the recurring refrain of the Clash classic, it considers the question that hounds many of us at various stages of our existence: Should I stay or should I go?

Now I could have sent the manuscript to agents’ slush piles, I could have become an avid collector of rejection slips, or one fine day I might have even been in the very singular position of negotiating a publishing deal…in four or five years’ from now. But I didn’t, I haven’t and I won’t wait that long. (Besides, if I can prove my novel is worthy of the public, I will be better armed to approach agents and publishers.)

It is ready to be read by you, esteemed Reader, so what is stopping me from publishing it now?

Absolutely nothing.

Indie publishing, that is the way to go, to regenerate cultural diversity, to push aside those formatted years of conventional publishing, to steal away some of the power from the traditional gate keepers. Strange Metamorphosis is now published and ready for sale in paperbook and on eBook readers, and I have done my utmost for it to be made in Quality, all the more so it being an indie book.

I really must take the opportunity here to thank the many bloggers and writers who offer advice and encourage indie publishing. There are too many to list here, but I will add links to my indie links page of some of them as I venture down the road of emarketing. I’ll be sharing some of the kick-starts, pitfalls and hopes along the way.

When was the last time you said to yourself: should I stay or should I go?

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